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race against the clock中文是什么意思

用"race against the clock"造句"race against the clock"怎么读"race against the clock" in a sentence


  • 争分夺秒
  • "race"中文翻译    n. (生姜等的)根。
  • "against"中文翻译     Are you for or against ...
  • "clock"中文翻译    n. 袜子跟部[侧面下方]的织绣花纹。 vt. 织[绣] ...
  • "against the clock" 中文翻译 :    分秒必争; 运动员单独比赛单独计时的比赛方法
  • "against the clock,against time" 中文翻译 :    争分夺秒
  • "a race against time" 中文翻译 :    和时间赛跑, 抢时间; 一场于时间的赛跑; 与时间赛跑
  • "race against poverty award" 中文翻译 :    与贫穷竞赛奖
  • "race against the watch" 中文翻译 :    计时比赛
  • "race against time" 中文翻译 :    抢时间
  • "work against the clock" 中文翻译 :    抢先完成工作; 抢在某一时刻前完成工作
  • "in the race" 中文翻译 :    有成功的可能
  • "race" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.竞赛;赛跑;赛艇;赛马;〔pl.〕赛马会,跑马会;竞赛;疾走。 2.路程,行程;经历,人生路程,一辈子,(日、月的)运行;时间的经过。 3.急流,急潮,小海峡。 4.(水车等的)沟,水道;(织机的)梭道,走梭板;【机械工程】轴承套,夹圈,座圈;【航空】螺桨滑流,激流。 a rat race 激烈的竞争。 go to the races 看赛马去。 an armament race 扩军竞赛。 consolation race 【体育】安慰赛。 His race is nearly run. 他的一生快完了。 open race 自由参加的赛跑。 play the races 〔美国〕赌赛马。 ride a race 举行赛马,出场赛马。 row a race 划船比赛。 run a race 赛跑。 sail a race 帆船竞赛。 selling race 拍卖胜利马的赛马。 with a strong race 凶猛地,猛烈地。 vi. 1.赛跑,竞走;竞赛 ( with ) 疾走;以赛马为业。 2.(螺旋桨、马达等)空转。 vt. 1.使拼命跑;使赛跑。 2.努力想跑过…,和…赛跑。 3.为赛马输光(财产) ( away ) 使(马达等)空转。 race the bill through the House 使议案匆匆通过。 race against 和…赛跑,和…竞赛。 n. 1.人种;种族,民族。 2.氏族,家族,家系,系统;门第。 3.种类,…们,阶层;〔诗〕子孙,后裔。 4. (生物的)类;人类;【动、植】属,种类。 5.人种的特性;(文体等的)特征;(酒的)特殊风味。 the Jewish race 犹太人种。 the white race 白(色人)种。 the race of poets 诗人们。 the feathered [ finny ] race 鸟[鱼]类。 The wine has a certain race. 这个酒有一种特殊风味。 adj. 人种的,种族的。 a race prejudice 种族偏见。 the race problem 人种[种族]问题〔美国尤指黑人的问题〕。 a race riot 因种族歧视引起的暴动。 n. (生姜等的)根。
  • "the race" 中文翻译 :    比赛
  • "to race" 中文翻译 :    竞争
  • "a clock" 中文翻译 :    一个闹钟
  • "clock" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.钟;挂钟,座钟,上下班计时计。 2.〔俚语〕记秒表,卡马表;〔美俚〕〔pl.〕驾驶仪表,速度表,里程计。 3.〔英俚〕(人的)面孔。 4.〔the C-〕【天文学】时钟座〔星座名〕。 5.【自动化】(电子计算机的)时钟脉冲(器)。 a Dutch clock(报时发杜鹃鸣声的)杜鹃钟 (=cuckoo-clock)。 an eight-day clock八日上一次发条的钟。 a musical clock八音钟。 the face of a clock钟的字码盘。 What of the clock 〔古谑〕= What o'clock is it 现在是几点钟? wind up the clock上(钟的)发条。 around the clock = round the clock. clock calm 海面平静如镜。 fight the clock 抢时间。 like a clock 钟表似地,准确地,按部就班地。 put [set, turn] back the clock 把钟拨慢,倒拨;〔比喻〕阻碍进步;复古;开倒车;隐瞒年龄;扭转历史车轮。 race the clock 争分夺秒。 regulate [set] a clock by …根据…对钟。 round the clock =the clock round 昼夜不停,连续一整天。 set ahead a clock 把钟拨快。 when one's clock strikes 临终。 work against the clock 抢时间做完。 vt. 1.为(比赛等)计时;(运动员等)用…时间跑[游]完。 2.(用机械)记录(速度、距离、次数等)。 clock a swimmer (用跑表)记录游泳选手的成绩。 clock five minutes for the whole distance 用5分钟跑[游]完全程。 vi. (在自动计时器上)记下考勤。 clock in [out] =clock on [off] (用钟铃装置自动)鸣报开始[终止]时间;(职工用自动记录时钟)记录上班[下班]时间。 clock in (an hour) at (the work) 花(一小时)在(工作上)。 n. -er (比赛等的)计时员;交通量计算员。 n. 袜子跟部[侧面下方]的织绣花纹。 vt. 织[绣]上袜跟部[侧下方]花纹。
  • "clock in" 中文翻译 :    打卡上班; 记录上班时间; 时钟脉冲输入; 时钟输入
  • "clock on" 中文翻译 :    打卡上班; 记录上班时间
  • "clock-on" 中文翻译 :    锁定
  • "the clock" 中文翻译 :    闹钟; 时钟
  • "against" 中文翻译 :     Are you for or against the plan? 那个计划你是赞同呢还是反对? Her age is against her. 她的年龄不行了。 Luck is against him. 他运气不好。 Talk against sb. 说(人)坏话。 Against rule 犯规。 Fight for the weak against the strong 扶弱抑强。 Inform against sb. 告发(某人)。 Set a chair against the wall 把椅子靠在墙上。 Caution against fire. 小心火烛。 Against the famine 防饥荒。 Against the evening sky 以黄昏的天空为背景。 A matter of reason as against emotion 与感情相对立的理智问题。 The park opens five hours a day this year against three hours a day last year. 这公园今年每天开放五小时,而去年每天开放三小时。 Document against Acceptance. 承兑后交单。 The rates against pounds sterling 英镑兑换率。 Against a rainy day 未雨绸缪,以备不时之需。 Against all chances 无望。 Against one's will 无可奈何地,无奈。 Against the stream 逆流;(在逆境中)奋斗。 Against time [the clock] 准时,按时,尽快;加油,使劲儿。 Be against 反对。 Be up against (it) 遇到(经济上的)巨大困难。 Over against (the cinema) 在(电影院)正对面,正对电影院。 Run up against 忽然碰上[碰到]。 〔古、方〕在…之时,在…之前。
  • "as against" 中文翻译 :    与...相对照
  • "be against" 中文翻译 :    反对,违背; 违反, 无视, 不顾
  • "not for or against" 中文翻译 :    不赞成不反对
  • "clock cycle clock rate" 中文翻译 :    时钟周期时钟频率


  • Doctors raced against the clock to save his life
  • In a race against the clock , they rushed the medicine to the hospital
  • Briefly examine a famous masterpiece and then race against the clock to rebuild it
  • I ' ve got five projects to finish by tomorrow . i ' m racing against the clock
  • In a race against the clock , they rushed the special medicine to the hospital
  • Sharpen your reflexes and work your technique flight for a race against the clock panting
  • Players must race against the clock to complete the task , which also include reading aloud and drawing
  • " we cannot lose any days . it is a race against the clock . therefore we feel it necessary to keep on the pressure
    奥斯瓦尔德说: "我们一点时间都不能浪费,我们这是在和时间赛跑,所以压力是必不可少的。
  • However , as they race against the clock - - and the tension mounts with each assault against broome - - they form a tentative truce
  • Race against the clock to clear the phlinx board in the action mode . earn mysterious hieroglyph rankings , collect ancient medallions and become a part of phlinx mythology ! phlinx to go
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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